Nosework Games

Nosework Games

We are so pleased to be able to announce that we are now organisers of the Nosework Games.  

We have been running scent detection classes in Colchester for 3 years and are proud to be qualified with the College of Scent Dogs. 

The Nosework Games allows us to offer skills assessments and competitions in scent detection. 

Each competition or skills assessment will have 3 games out of a possible 12.  You can find a list of the 12 games and full guidelines here:

There are 8 levels that you can work through.  The levels are:


Level 1 - Newbie

Level 2 - On The Way Up

Level 3 - Star In The Making

Level 4 - Enthusiastic Trier

Level 5 - Well Good

Level 6 - OMG

Level 7 - Rising Star

Level 8 - Kin Amazing

You are unable to work your dog in a competition and do skills assessments at the same games. 

Anyone offering Nosework Games will specify which games they are hosting and which scent is to be worked.  These games are for anyone whose dog is already on odour and can be bookable through our system:

If you are thinking about getting started in the wonderful world of scent detection with your pet dog we have classes and workshops available all year round at our training ground in Colchester.  It is a great sport which gets your dog working with thier wonderful natural sniffing abilities, it can help dogs calm and relax as well as reduce anxiety in dogs. 

Feel free to get in touch to find out more:

Happy Sniffing


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